Thursday, November 6, 2014



For our first post it is proper to introduce my colleagues and myself. We are the UnBound bloggers. Our purpose is to critically reflect on issues of our time and explore them as Christians. This is to say that we are all Christian theists, and that to some extent we all affirm traditional orthodoxy; however, it may be better to think of this blog as neo-orthodox.

This is not to say that we are the next Karl Barth, Reinhold Niebuhr, Paul Tillich, or Dietrich Bonhoeffer---no it is to say that we are not tied to simply settling for the status quo of Christianity. We are not against orthodoxy, but rather we are willing to explore it and explore beyond it. Hence, we are UnBound.

Naturally, assuming there is a nature to such a thing, we are not here to reinforce that which most mainline Evangelicals believe. We are not here to supplement faith, we are here to question---we are here to explore. It is our exploration of faith, that my colleagues and I believe we gain the benefit of wisdom, understanding, and deeper more satisfying piety. This is our vision statement: to question anything and everything with tradition held loosley in our hand, and to do this in order to touch closely to truth as humanly possible.

Thank you for reading. We will post once a week with our four main contributors and occaisionally a guest on Thursdays at 12:00PM. We look forward to exploring with you.

-UnBound Bloggers

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